Why Raven?
We are called Raven Insurance and Financial in honor of Sam Houston, whom many refer to as "The Father of Texas and The Raven".
Sam Houston, Ravens, and How We Got Our Name!
"He was brilliant, dynamic, a gifted orator, erratic, often a drunk and a rake until his third wife convinced him to give up alcohol in his 50's, a full member of the Cherokee Nation with an Indian wife (his second)."
Hey -- What's not to love!
"He was a hero in the war against the Creek Indians, the only American ever elected to the governorship of two states, Tennessee and Texas, (and not completing either term), a Congressman from Tennessee, a Senator from Texas, the commander of the Texian (they didn't call themselves Texans back then) army in it's decisive battle for independence and the first President of the Republic of Texas."

And of course he hated school (no surprise here!) and ran away at age 16 to live with the Cherokee, where he was given the moniker "The Raven".
What's interesting about that is the fact that ravens are the most intelligent of the entire bird species, even out performing dolphins and chimpanzees in certain animal IQ tests.
Ravens are hearty and enduring as they are found on every continent of the world except Antarctica , they work as a team, and are monogamous to their mate until death.
So it was quite an honor to be called "The Raven", especially since the label came from a tribe of indigenous people with an innate understanding of outdoor life and all of its inhabitants (birds, mammals, etc.)
Given all of the qualities of both Sam Houston and the ravens themselves, we proudly call ourselves "Raven Insurance and Financial", a Texas company that will equally strive to work with intelligence, commitment, and loyalty.